This video is for parents whose children will be taking part in a ‘Sparky and Shady for Big Kids’ small group or whole class program at school.


Q. Is the program approved?

Sparky and Shady has been endorsed by leading Australian clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller. It also meets guidelines for inclusion in a mental health and wellbeing initiative and partnership between education and health sectors funded by the Australian Government.

Q. Is the program religious?

No. It is possible however for parents to fit the concepts of ‘Sparky and Shady’ into their belief system should they wish to. Alternatively it easily explained in terms of being ‘imaginary’.

Q. Can I use the ideas at home?

Yes of course! The book ‘Sparky and Shady for Big Kids’ is available for parents who would like to follow-up at home with language and strategies. The book is available on this website or at local bookshops.

Q. I’ve heard children are encouraged to express their feelings, is this true?

Yes. Lessons six and seven talk about the importance of feelings and expressing these in safe ways. A strategy to cope with problems and let go of repressed feelings is demonstrated on video for the children. Children are taught the ‘Feeling rules’ which are:

Respect yourself
Respect others and
Respect stuff

Q. What if my children can’t hear Sparky or Shady?

If children say they can’t hear Sparky (none have ever said they can’t hear Shady), encourage them to make something up that is loving and good for them, other people and nature in the long-term (or at least not bad for these). If they can’t make anything up ask your Sparky for help, or if you can’t hear anything – make up a loving answer yourself! Once kids get the hang of making up something loving, they start to hear Sparky more clearly. Technically they are Sparky, so no problem making it up!

If you have any questions about the program, please fill in the form on the right hand side of this page…
